Moon Manifesting Guide

4 week self-guided HypnoBreathwork course

Your complete guide to tracking the moon phases with 8 recorded HypnoBreathwork® sessions.

Ride the wave of energy, get into flow with natural cycles, and manifest your wildest dreams in just 4 weeks.

Come back again and again at each New Moon to start every cycle with intention and devotion.

The moon taught me to see the beauty in the darkness, too. 

For even when I don't feel whole, I know that I am enough.


Learn about cycles within cycles and sacred menstruation.


8 HypnoBreathwork® session recordings for use with each of the 8 moon phases in every lunar cycle.


Lessons, rituals, and journal prompts to anchor in your intentions and manifestations.

intuitive HypnoBreathwork® coaching

Kaycee Carlston

I’m Kaycee Carlston, an Intuitive HypnoBreathwork® Coach helping empaths and intuitives embrace their gifts, discover their purpose, and amplify their impact.

I started out as a people pleaser, going along in life, trying to do the right things, to be seen as good, pure, and perfect.

But all that changed when I embraced my own healing journey and answered the call to awaken. 

HypnoBreathwork® was the modality that changed everything for me and now I offer that same level of healing and guidance to you.

Client Love

"It’s almost hard to find the words to describe the journey that Kaycee takes you on. She is a calm, angelic force who guides you towards your greatest self with intuitive clarity."

—Marlene Rhein

“Every week we pulled off layer after layer, getting closer and closer to my core essence and deepest desires. I was blown away by how intuitively Kaycee could facilitate the experiences I needed at just the right moment.”

—Kayla Dhankar

“Kaycee has held in me such a sacred space, helped me heal many wounds, and always makes me feel so safe, understood, and grounded. I always release so much in our sessions and I am so grateful for her strength and guidance.”

—Betta Entwistle

“Kaycee helped me with everything from flow and clarity, to managing overwhelm and anxiety, and healing childhood trauma. She listens for cues but also taps into the things you don’t say.”

—Laura Wilson 

Combine the power of the moon phases with your breath.


Everything you need to manifest with the moon every  4 week cycle. Come back again and again to set new intentions and anchor even bigger dreams.




HypnoBreathwork® is a transformative  experiential therapy created by Francesca Sipma that blends conscious connected breathwork, hypnosis, and visioning to release unprocessed emotions, reprogram subconscious beliefs, access elevated states of consciousness, and intuitive action to bring you into higher alignment so you can live a life of purpose and connection.



HypnoBreathwork® uses an accelerated breath pattern with a 2 part inhale and 1 part exhale. The inhales are done through the nose and the exhales are done through the mouth. Take your first inhale into your belly, second inhale into your chest, and let the exhale fall out.



HypnoBreathwork® is an experiential therapy, meaning that you may experience physical sensations like buzzing, tingling, or even tetany in your sessions. You may also experience intense emotions, memories, or have visions. This is all perfectly normal. Just bring yourself back to the circular pattern of breathing.



I would recommend having a journal and pen, something to cover your eyes, some headphones, and a flat place to lay with limited distractions. You may want a comfort item like a pillow to squeeze or release into or a blanket in case you get cold. You can set up your space with candles, crystals, tissues, or essential oils. 


HypnoBreathwork® is not advised for those with cardiovascular disease, including angina or heart attack, high blood pressure, pacemaker, glaucoma, retinal detachment, osteoporosis, significant recent physical injuries or surgery. It is not recommended for those with seizure disorders or family history of aneurysms. Pregnant women and those with asthma should consult their doctor before practicing. 



HypnoBreathwork® is a powerful technique if you are currently struggling or have experienced any of the following in the past: 

  • anxiety or depression
  • chronic pain or inflammation
  • feeling easily triggered by others
  • traumatic experiences (big or small)
  • difficulty expressing yourself or setting boundaries
  • unprocessed emotions, fear of feeling, or numbing to life's experiences



HypnoBreathwork® changes the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body making the blood more alkaline. This stimulates different regions of the brain allowing the logical mind to take a break while activating the subconscious mind (which is the storehouse of emotions, memories, beliefs, and values). This allows your brain to make new creative connections.